What Are the Rules About Domestic CCTV?

More than 266,000 domestic burglaries took place in 2022, which has led to many homeowners considering how to keep their properties safe. Domestic CCTV is an excellent option for incorporating an extra layer of protection into your home, but some rules must be followed.

What are the Rules for Domestic CCTV?

As with any form of video surveillance, CCTV at home should still consider people’s rights and preferences. For homeowners to get the most use of their system, the Information Commissioners Office recommends that certain procedures be adhered to. 

  1.       You should always tell people that recording solutions are in place.

The most popular way of doing this is using window stickers or signs to bring attention to the system. Not only does this inform people, but it can also act as an additional deterrent, as criminals will not want to be knowingly caught on camera.

  1.       Be able to provide recorded footage if you are requested to do so.

Under data protection laws, anyone that is filled under a CCTV system has a right to obtain or view the footage.

  1.       Delete footage regularly so as not to store unneeded video content.

This should be done anyway for optimal performance but also as a form of data protection for anyone caught on the camera.

  1.       Stop recording an individual or location outside of your properties parameters if you are asked to do so.

If your neighbour suspects your camera covers their private land, they can ask you to adjust or remove your CCTV. Another circumstance could be if you are having a conversation at your door, and a door camera is capturing them. If anyone feels uncomfortable or their privacy is invaded, you must amend your system.

People also have a right to find out what the footage is being used for and provide their concerns directly to the homeowner. If CCTV systems are being misused, then the homeowner can be reported to the police in some scenarios.

What Considerations Need to be Made When Installing Domestic CCTV?

Domestic CCTV, such as mounted cameras or door-bell feeds, are popular, but that doesn’t mean they can be placed anywhere. When choosing to protect your home, you should take the following into account to determine which solution is best for your location:

  • What areas needed to be covered by CCTV around the property, and how do areas outside of your ownership impact them?
  • When do I need to record?
  • How will I manage the footage?
  • How can I let other people know about my CCTV systems?
  • How can I position the camera to protect my home and not intrude on others?

How can You Install Domestic CCTV?

A professional should ideally install domestic CCTV systems to ensure that the above factors have been correctly managed. 

Another factor to consider is the ongoing maintenance, such as the functionality and data demands, which you may also want professional support with. We offer all these services across the entirety of the UK, so contact us to learn more!

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